Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

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Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins Empty Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

Post by Warchief Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:28 am

Dawn. The companions awaken and meet again at the tavern for breakfast before they leave through the western gate. They eat their meal in relative peace, since many of the patrons were still asleep after last night's drinking. They pay the waitress and thank her for her service one final time, then leave the tavern, heading towards the western gate and the start of their adventure.They reach the gate and sort through their gear, making sure that they have everything they need before they leave. Nina tightens the straps on her quiver, slings her bow around her shoulder and makes sure that her scimitars are firm at her sides. A little fox runs up beside her and looks up at her. She smiles at him and turns to the group.

“This be Felix, me own companion. He’s traveled with me and has been me friend for some time.”

“Aw… he’s cute!” Rose says holding out her hand to pet him. Felix, a little nervous at first, slowly walks up to her hand and accepts her touch. Ben adjusts the two katanas on his belt then nods to Galnorath, stating that he is ready. Rose adjusts her belt and fastens her new daggers at her sides. She looks down at her dress with a sigh but then looks up at Galnorath and smiles. Mytolio fastens his warhammer tight at his side and makes sure all his pouches are secure. He also nods at Galnorath, stating that they are ready to depart. Galnorath looks at each of his new friends and smiles his toothy grin.

"We are ready. Time to depart and see what awaits us on the road."

The companions leave the city, taking their first steps out into the wilderness once more. Galnorath leads the group with Rose right beside him, showing him the direction to where she had passed the temple with her mother. Mytolio walks beside Nina, the two talking and learning more about each other. Galnorath focuses more on the road ahead but can hear that their conversation is generally about their skills involving nature and a bit of their backgrounds that led them to practice those skills. Ben walks in the back, keeping an eye out for any that may be following them and to keep Mytolio and Nina safe from any ambushes from the rear.

A few hours pass as they continue down the road towards the villages around the temple. They decide to break around midday, spotting a clearing by a lake. Mytolio takes out the seed from his pack again and mutters his spell as he tosses it on the ground. It bursts into flame to the astonishment of Rose and Ben.

"My spell for a controlled fire that will cook our meal, but not harm the area," Mytolio says noticing their astonishment.

"Cool! What we having?" Rose asks, excited for her lunch.

"I'm making a stew for us with some of the vegetables from the market in town and my spices. Once they are done cooking, I will pour my bowl and anyone else's if they prefer no meat, then chop up and add one of Galnorath's steaks for him and the rest." Mytolio replies as he gathers some water from the lake. He mutters a spell to purify the water and starts to add his herbs and vegetables.

"Sounds yummy! I can't wait!" Rose exclaims and she sits on a nearby rock.

*sniff sniff* "Hmmm... I know that scent," Galnorath mutters to himself out of earshot of the rest. "Draknathar." He shakes his head, dismissing the thought knowing that his brother is already long gone and at least a day or two ahead of them. His scent went north anyway, so he thinks it best to not worry his companions. He turns to Ben, curious again since he is a monk but he carries weapons.

"Ben, I can't help but wonder. I have heard very little about your order, but I always thought monks to be masters of unarmed combat and prefer to not use weapons, yet I see you carry katanas."

"You are perceptive for an orc. I am a servant of two orders. I prefer the Shaolin way of the fist and but I have also trained with ninjas. I am a master of both arts, and very dedicated to both."

"I will leave you to your meditation then while we wait for lunch."

Ben nods and sits cross legged on the grass by the lake, taking in the scent of the water and the air around him to help clear his mind. Galnorath leaves him and notices Rose sitting on a rock. Her face looks sad to him in spite of her smile. He walks over to her and sits next to her on the grass.

"Are you doing okay?"

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You seem sad, and couldn't help but notice that a few tears have been shed since we started this adventure."

She looks down trying to hide more tears but can't help it. "It's just the last time I was out on an adventure, I was with my mother. I miss her..."

"I understand. I..." Before Galnorath can finish, he notices one of his clan's wolf riders. Galnorath stands up and walks over to meet him.

"Galnorath - or I should say Warchief! I bring dire news! Your father has been slain in battle. Your clan needs you to return and lead us!"

"What? How? When?"

"Shortly after you left, the humans of the nearest city to the north west declared war on us. They aim to drive us out of our land and accuse us of attacking their caravans. Your father rode out with his personal guard to try and solve the matter diplomatically but it would seem that there are a few in their city without honour. He was ambushed before he could reach the city. We barely managed to escape, but his wounds were too great. I am sorry."

Galnorath looks down, shaking his head. "I know you look to me to lead Rak'thor, but you know I cannot. I am not worthy of that title yet. There are rumours of yet another army and dark magics to the west of here. This quest will prove me worthy of the title and make me a warrior fit to lead the clan. Besides, I cannot abandon my companions to do this quest alone."

"Understood Warchief, but in the meantime your sister will take up the mantle left for you. Draknathar left as well so it will be her duty to lead the clan in your absence. Do you think she is ready?"

Galnorath cringes at the title. "I am not Warchief yet, nor am I worthy of that title. My sister is strong and I trained her as well as I could. She may be young and naive, but she will have Drak'nar to guide her until I return. She will be okay, although she may be angry at me for a time for dumping this responsibility on her and not accepting it myself like I should."

"Understood Galnorath! I will return to camp and report on what we discussed. Farewell my brother, I expect your safe return when you finish your quest."
"I will be fine Rak'thor. Farewell and I expect you to be alive too when I return. Take care of yourself and Gabriella."

With a brief bow, Rak'thor leaves the group and rides back east towards the orc camp. Galnorath turns for a moment, his head in his hand as a tear falls, but he brushes it away and lets out a great roar. His companions gather around him as Rose runs up and hugs him.

"We are here for you big guy!" Rose says as tears of her own fall while she keeps her arms around him. Galnorath returns her hug.

"Thank you, but I am strong and I will be okay."

"You know we can return with you to your camp. It does seem like you are needed there." Mytolio says, looking concerned.

"No. I made my choice and matters of the clan are my burden, and mine alone. Honour is most important to us orcs and even though my clan may think they will need me as Warchief, they would prefer that I have earned it with honour."

"Fair enough. Just do not let the rage you feel from your father's death consume you. I have heard that orcish bloodlust often times makes one fight both friend and foe."

"You are right - but as you are in control of your demon, I, too, am in control of mine. Worry not my friend."

“Well, the soup is ready for any who wants some.”

Rose releases him from her hug at the mention of food and runs over to the pot to get her meal. The rest join her shortly, grabbing theirs. Galnorath, however, does not eat. He cannot, for the rage has consumed his appetite.

"I will return shortly. Enjoy your meals my friends. I will be back before you are done packing up."

Mytolio cringes slightly, knowing what Galnorath has in mind, but he lets him go. Better that something wild feel his wrath than one of them. Galnorath wanders into the forest, his senses heightened to track whatever he might choose as prey. He smells the corpse of the werewolf Draknathar had left the day before when he wandered through these woods and bounds off in that direction, knowing that something would definitely be attracted to it. His senses do not fail him - he sees a rather large ghoul munching on the remains of the corpse. Galnorath lets out a mighty roar as he bounds into a charge after the creature.

The creature looks up from its meal and growls in response to the challenge, then runs to meet the charging orc. Fist meets claw as the two exchange blows with ferocity. The ghoul’s claws cannot make it through the orc's armour, however, and the orc finds his opening as his armoured fist meets the creature's jaw, breaking it. The creature collapses from the force of the blow and Galnorath stomps its neck into the ground, snapping it and killing the creature. He takes the severed head with him back to the camp to prove to Mytolio that even in venting his rage, he did not hurt innocent wildlife in the process.

"Ah, he returns as he said he would - but what is that? It smells horrible," Mytolio says as he sees Galnorath emerge from the trees.

"A ghoul. Normally you would not see them during the day but the forest is dense and dark enough for it. No wildlife was hurt while I sated my rage."

"Well that's good to hear. I saved you a bowl in case you wanted a real meal when you returned. I'm sure you can enjoy it on the road, yes?"

"Sounds good my friend. Thank you."

Galnorath tosses the ghoul's head back towards the forest and takes the bowl. The companions together again, leave the camp and return the road. Nina and Felix scout ahead, using her elvish senses to see far ahead and Felix to scout through the brushes for any potential threats. They travel for about half an hour before they catch up to Nina motioning them to a halt.

"Bandits," she whispers. "Just up ahead, about a dozen o' 'em by me count. What should we do?"

"Unlikely that we can avoid them, and I've been itching for a good fight. Humans without honour like these scum killed my father! They deserve the death that we will bring them!" Galnorath says, growling the words.

"There are a lot of them, however, we should be smart about this. Nina, think you can pick any of them off before they know what's going on?" Mytolio asks.

"Aye, I can, but ye gotta act quick on the rest. Definitely dun want te fight too many all at once."

"Agreed. Galnorath and Ben can hide in the brush nearby and spring out when they come closer and provide you with the cover you need. I can cast a spell and hope to entangle a few, while Rose can sneak around and pick off whoever she can."

"I will prefer to meet them head on," Galnorath says. "Ben and Rose can hide and flank when they engage me while you and Nina do your thing. This way I can fight them with honour while we still hold an advantage."

"Fair enough," Mytolio says. "Shall we begin?"

"I am ready. Bandits are disturbers of the peace and should be dealt with. Let us engage them before they decide to move on and hurt more people," Ben says as he moves silently to take up his position in the brush a few metres ahead of Galnorath.

"Well guess it's time to see if these are more than just pretty decorations." Rose says as she draws her daggers. "Time to out bandit some bandits!" She leaps away into the brush beside Galnorath and sneaks along taking the side opposite Ben. Mytolio begins muttering his spell, targeting the vines ahead of where Rose and Ben are hidden. Nina nocks an arrow and takes aim at the closest bandit. She looks to Galnorath for a signal to fire and with his nod, her arrow is loosed.

"Aaargh!" The bandit screams, falling to the ground dead. Nina nocks a second arrow and fires, killing another.

"We are under attack! Men! Get whoever it is!" The leader exclaims, drawing his blade. The bandits gather and start charging down the path, another falling to one of Nina's arrows in the process.

"There's one - get him!" A bandit exclaims as they spot Galnorath on the path. He draws his own blade and charges to meet the bandits head on. The roots and vines take their hold, gripping some in place as Galnorath gets to them. In the confusion of being stuck with vines, the bandits are quickly cut down by Gargen's blade as the orc roars in fury. Ben and Rose join the fight; Ben quickly knocks out the bandit closest to him. Rose comes out behind one and stabs him in the back of the knees, dropping him to the ground in agonizing pain, then runs on to find more opportunities. Galnorath spots the leader barking orders and trying to get what's left of the bandits in line.

"I challenge you... Human, to single combat! Just you and me! Do you accept?" Galnorath yells at the man.

"Heh! Ye think I'm dumb orc? No way would an orc offer a fair fight! Do ye really expect me to fight without my men getting their share? If you seriously want a fight, then quit stalling and bring it already!" The man raises his blade as he finishes, his men prepared beside him to meet the orc.

"So be it." Galnorath spits on the ground beside him and charges in recklessly with a fierce roar, the bloodlust taking complete hold. One falls to another arrow as he charges in and in blinding ferocity, he cuts down another and blocks a strike from the side with his shield.

"Galnorath!" Ben exclaims, seeing the orc charging into three bandits and the leader. He sweeps low with a kick to trip the bandits in front of him and in one motion, leaping back up over them to reach Gargen before he becomes overwhelmed.

Galnorath, still in the heat of battle with multiple foes, fights feircely. He has taken a few hits but they are minor wounds, ignored in the adrenaline and bloodlust. The second bandit falls to his blade, but it cost him, as the leader gets a strong slash on his back. His armour stopped the bulk of the blow, but the cut is still deep. The orc roars again and kicks the man, knocking him back, the blade coming free. In another motion he bashes the bandit beside him with his shield, stunning him before following through with a decapitating blow. Now his full focus is on the leader. He raises his blade to parry an incoming blow, following through with a punch with his shield to the man's side. The man staggers slightly with the blow but not enough to create an opening. Blade continues to meet blade in ferocity, neither opponent causing any significant wounds on the other. Nina nocks another arrow but lacks a clear shot due to the chaos of the combat. Ben fights hard, ducking and dodging through the remaining bandits, trying to get through, but as one falls, another seems to take his place in Ben's way. Mytolio finds his way into the combat along side them, his runic hammer in hand to fight in the melee now that his spell has expired. Rose continues sneaking around, then finds her opportunity to help give Galnorath the advantage against the leader. She sneaks behind them unnoticed and quickly thrusts her blades into the leader's legs, then runs off in an attempt to not get noticed. Galnorath seeing the opportunity, follows up on her blow with a thrust of his blade through the man's chest as he staggers from the wounds to his legs. With a gurgle, the man falls dead. The few bandits that remain, seeing their leader fall, begin to run away, only to be picked off by Nina's arrows.

Galnorath leans up against a nearby tree, his wounds taking their toll now that his bloodlust has been sated. Ben, Rose and Nina search through the corpses of the fallen bandits to see if there is anything of use while Mytolio notices Galnorath's wounds and walks over to tend to him.

"A bigger fight than we thought and you were careless, nearly getting yourself killed," Mytolio says upon reaching him.

"All part of earning the title of Warchief. A strong Warchief must be able to prevail against many foes to ensure that the clan will endure and survive. My father fell to a few dishonourable men, I had to prove that the same will not happen to me. Fight with honour but be ready for the dishonourable."

"Hmm, your orcish definition of honour confuses me. One would think that living to fight another day would be more valuable than proving that you can be stronger than those around you. Sounds more like pride to me than honour."

"Maybe, but that is our way and I will honour my father by becoming a strong Warchief in my own right. This whole adventure is my test, my burden. I must succeed, or I might as well have died beside him."

"Perhaps, when you return, you may want to rethink some of those customs. If you truly become better than your father how far will your own heir have to go to become better than you? What will happen to your clan if you fail or in that future your heir fails? Luckily I can mend these wounds and you will be ready for our next challenge, but if your pride and ego becomes greater than our tactics as a group, you may not be as lucky." Mytolio takes some cloth from his pack and a salve from his pouches. He applies the salve to the cloth and mutters a spell. He places the cloth over the orc's wounds and they visibly heal. Galnorath grunts, the pain still there, but slowly lessening.

"I will consider it, thank you," Galnorath says, moving from the tree to rejoin the rest of the group.

"Are you alright Galnorath? You almost looked overwhelmed in that fight," Ben asks in concern for his friend.

"I am fine Ben, thank you for your concern. I have learned a lesson this day. I have won a battle where my father fell and I have learned to not let my orcish pride get the better of me. I will with honour fight beside you and with you, rather than prove my worth alone."

"Well I am glad you are alright and glad that you have learned something. We must all fight together to ensure our survival."

"Yes. We gathered together for a reason. We may have separate goals for being here but we must act as one. Now we should continue down the road and get to the closest village before it gets dark."


The companions regroup and divide what they found on the bandit corpses before returning to the road. Ben and Mytolio walk in front, Galnorath walks behind them with Rose walking up beside him and Nina walks behind the group with Felix, watching the rear.

"Hey, umm... I noticed that you are taking the news about your father pretty rough huh," Rose says to Galnorath, attempting to bring up the sore topic.

"I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

"B-but you didn't act fine back there. You acted almost like you wanted to join him in being dead. Believe me, I know the feeling..." she says looking down, holding back tears.

"I know how it looked, but I was only attempting to avenge my father's death with the deaths of equally dishonourable humans. For my people, when someone close to us falls in battle, it is our duty, out of honour, to avenge their death in whatever way possible. We feel an intense rage, a bloodlust, that won't be sated until that person is avenged."

"That sounds pretty bad... Not only do you suffer with loss, but you make others suffer. Is it really honourable to kill others just because you lost someone you love? I can't speak for everyone but when my mother died, I just felt sad... I still feel sad. I miss her so much but at least I know she is in a better place, so I try to feel happy. It is never easy but we have to stay positive, right?"

"Hmmm..." Galnorath scratches his chin. "Maybe you are right as well little one, although your way of grief is considered weak among my people. It is normal to feel sad for those we lose, but we cannot afford to feel pain and loss. We have to be strong and survive. A moment of weakness for an orc is death, since we are often hunted and scorned. I will consider your words, however, and maybe try to learn to grieve in a way that is both honourable and not harmful to others."

Rose looks up at him and smiles. "Sounds good to me! Oh and I kinda saved your butt back there, so you're welcome!" Rose winks and runs up toward Mytolio and Ben. Galnorath smirks and chuckles a moment before shaking his head and continuing along with the group. They finally see a village up ahead and enter. They observe many small hovels, a larger building that appears to be the local meeting hall and a tavern with an inn. Weary from the day's travels and the fierce battle against the bandits, they enter the tavern and order drink, food and their rooms - in that order! They drink, eat and quietly retire to their rooms for the night. There will be plenty of time in the morning to find information they hope.

Last edited by Warchief on Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:04 pm; edited 4 times in total
Slayer of Duriel
Slayer of Duriel

Posts : 13
Join date : 2015-10-15

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Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins Empty Re: Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

Post by Kaldair Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:09 am

Fantastic story as usual Chief! A couple of editing observations:
When inserting a quote at the beginning of a sentence, where the end of the sentence is not a quote, and the context of the quote continues in the unquoted text, you need to make a format change. For example: {"I love you." She said.} or {"I love you." she said.} should instead be written {"I love you," she said.} I found this fantastic proofreading website - I used it to double check all of the edits you will find at the end of this post: It's not perfect - there were three changes it suggested that I didn't agree with - but it was vastly helpful none-the-less.
The other idea is to expand the post-mortem after the battle a bit. Since Gargen was in a rage, have Ben comment on Mytolio's prowess with his runic hammer, and have Mytolio comment on Ben, Rose and Nina's prowess by mentioning something amazing each of them did, not already covered in the description of the battle. Maybe expand the section where Gargen announces his decision to fight with the group, rather than solo.
I tried to only include the sentence or phrase I made changes to in my edits following:

They eat their meal in relative peace, since many of the patrons were still asleep after last night's drinking. They pay the waitress and thank her for her service one final time, then leave the tavern, heading towards the western gate and the start of their adventure.

They reach the gate and sort through their gear, making sure that they have everything they need before they leave.

“He’s traveled with me and been me friend for some time.”

“Aw… he’s cute!” Rose says, holding out her hand to pet him. Felix, a little nervous at first, slowly walks up to her hand and accepts her touch. Ben adjusts the two katanas on his belt, then nods to Galnorath, indicating that he is ready. He also nods at Galnorath, indicating that they are ready to depart.

Galnorath leads the group with Rose right beside him, showing him the direction to where she had passed the temple with her mother.

"My spell for a controlled fire that will cook our meal, but not harm the area," Mytolio says, noticing their astonishment.

"Cool! What we having?" Rose asks, excited for her lunch.

"Once they are done cooking, I will pour my bowl and anyone else's if they prefer no meat, then chop up and add one of Galnorath's steaks for him and the rest," Mytolio replies as he gathers some water from the lake.

*sniff sniff* "Hmmm... I know that scent," Galnorath mutters to himself out of earshot of the rest. "Draknathar." He shakes his head, dismissing the thought, knowing that his brother is already long gone and at least a day or two ahead of them. His scent went north anyway, so he thinks it best to not worry his companions. He turns to Ben, curious again since he is a monk, but carries weapons.

"Ben, I can't help but wonder. I have heard very little about your order, but I always thought monks to be masters of unarmed combat who prefer not to use weapons, yet I see you carry katanas."

"You are perceptive for an orc. I am a servant of two orders. I prefer the Shaolin way of the fist, but I have also trained with ninjas. I am a master of both arts, and very dedicated to both."

"I will leave you to your meditation, then, while we wait for lunch."

"You just seem sad, and I couldn't help but notice that a few tears have been shed since we started this adventure."

She looks down, trying to hide more tears, but can't. "It's just that the last time I was out on an adventure, I was with my mother. I miss her..."

"Galnorath - or I should say Warchief!”

"We barely managed to escape, but his wounds were too great. I am sorry."

"I know you look to me to lead Rak'thor, but you know that I cannot. Besides, I cannot abandon my companions to do this quest alone."

"Understood Warchief, but in the meantime your sister will take up the mantle left for you.”

“She may be young and naïve, but she will have Drak'nar to guide her until I return.”

With a brief bow, Rak'thor leaves the group and rides back east towards the orc camp. Galnorath turns for a moment, his head in his hand as a tear falls, but he brushes it away and lets out a great roar. His companions gather around him as Rose runs up and hugs him.

"We are here for you big guy!" Rose says as tears of her own fall while she keeps her arms around him. Galnorath (gently? roughly?) returns her hug.

"Thank you, but I am strong and I will be okay."

"You know we can return with you to your camp. It does seem like you are needed there," Mytolio says, looking concerned.

"No. I made my choice and matters of the clan are my burden, and mine alone.

"You are right - but as you are in control of your demon, I, too, am in control of mine."

“Well, the soup is ready for any who wants some.”

Rose releases him from her hug at the mention of food and runs over to the pot to get her meal. Galnorath, however, does not eat. He cannot, for the rage has consumed his appetite.

Mytolio cringes slightly, knowing what Galnorath has in mind, but he lets him go. Galnorath wanders into the forest, his normally keen senses heightened to track whatever he might choose as prey. His senses do not fail him - he sees a rather large ghoul munching on the remains of the corpse. Galnorath lets out a mighty roar as he bounds into a charge straight at the creature. 

The creature looks up from its meal and growls in response to the challenge, then runs to meet the charging orc. The ghoul’s claws cannot make it through the orc's armour, however, and the orc finds his opening as his armoured fist meets the creature's jaw, breaking it. The creature collapses from the force of the blow and Galnorath stomps its neck into the ground, snapping it and killing the creature. He takes the severed head with him back to the camp to prove to Mytolio that even in venting his rage, he did not hurt innocent wildlife in the process.

"Ah, he returns as he said he would - but what is that? It smells horrible," Mytolio says as he sees Galnorath emerge from the trees.

"I'm sure you can enjoy it on the road, yes?"

The companions leave the camp and return to the road. Nina and Felix scout ahead, Nina using her elvish senses to see far ahead, while Felix scouts through the bushes for any potential threats. The rest of the companions travel for about half an hour before they catch up to Nina, who motions them to a halt.

"Bandits," she whispers.

"Unlikely that we can avoid them, and I've been itching for a good fight," Galnorath says, growling the words.

"There are a lot of them, however, we should be smart about this. Nina, think you can pick any of them off before they know what's going on?" Mytolio asks.

"Aye, I can, but ye gotta act quickly on the rest. Definitely dun want te fight too many all at once." 

"Agreed. Galnorath and Ben can hide in the brush nearby and spring out when they come closer and provide you with the cover you need. I can cast a spell and hope to entangle a few, while Rose can sneak around and pick off whoever she can."

"I prefer to meet them head on," Galnorath says. "Ben and Rose can hide and flank them when they engage me while you and Nina do your thing. This way I can fight them with honour while we still hold an advantage."

"Fair enough," Mytolio says. "Shall we begin?"

"Let us engage them before they decide to move on and hurt more people," Ben says as he moves silently to take up his position in the brush a few metres ahead of Galnorath.

She leaps away into the brush from beside Galnorath and sneaks into position opposite Ben. She looks to Galnorath for a signal to fire and with his nod, her arrow is loosed.

"Aaargh!" the bandit screams, falling to the ground dead. Nina nocks her second arrow and fires, killing another.

"There's one - get him!" a bandit exclaims as they spot Galnorath on the path. In the confusion of being stuck in the vines, the bandits are quickly cut down by Gargen's blade as the orc roars in fury. Ben and Rose join the fight; Ben quickly knocks out the bandit closest to him. Rose comes out behind one and stabs him in the back of the knees, dropping him to the ground in agonizing pain, then runs on to find more opportunities. Galnorath spots the leader barking orders and trying to get what's left of the bandits in line. 

"I challenge you to single combat Human! Just you and me! Do you accept?" Galnorath yells at the man.

"Heh! You think I'm dumb orc? No way would an orc offer a fair fight! Do you really expect me to fight without my men getting their share?" The man raises his blade as he finishes, his men prepared beside him to meet the orc.
He sweeps low with a kick to trip the bandits in front of him and in one motion, leaps up over them with a stomp to try and reach Gargen before he becomes overwhelmed.

Galnorath, still in his rage and the heat of battle, and facing multiple foes, fights fiercely. The second bandit falls to his blade, but it costs him, as the orc gets a strong slash to his back. His armour stops the bulk of the blow, but the cut is still deep. The orc roars again and kicks the man, knocking him back, his blade coming free. Nina nocks another arrow but lacks a clear shot due to the chaos of the combat. Ben fights hard, ducking and dodging through the remaining bandits, trying to get through, but as one falls, another seems to take his place in Ben's way. Rose continues to sneak around, then finds her opportunity to give Galnorath an advantage against the bandit leader. She sneaks behind them unnoticed and quickly thrusts her blades into the leader's leg, then runs off in an attempt to fade back into the shadows. Galnorath sees the opportunity, and follows up on her blow with a thrust of his blade through the man's chest as he staggers from the wounds to his legs. With a gurgle, the man falls dead. The few bandits that remain, seeing their leader fall, begin to run away, only to be picked off by Nina's arrows. 

"A bigger fight than we thought, and you were careless, nearly getting yourself killed," Mytolio says upon reaching him. 

"Hmm, your orcish definition of honour confuses me.

"Maybe, but that is our way and I will honour my father by becoming a strong Warchief in my own right. I must succeed, or I might as well have died beside him."

"Perhaps, when you return, you may want to rethink some of those customs. Luckily I can mend these wounds and you will be ready for our next challenge, but if your pride and ego becomes greater than our tactics as a group, you may not be as lucky a second time." He places the cloth over the orc’s wounds and they visibly heal. Galnorath grunts, the pain still there, but slowly lessening.

"I will consider it, thank you," Galnorath says, moving from the tree to rejoin the rest of the group. 

"You almost looked overwhelmed in that fight," Ben asks in concern for his friend.

"I am fine Ben, thank you for your concern. I will with honour fight beside you and with you, rather than prove my worth alone."

Ben and Mytolio walk in front, Galnorath walks behind them with Rose walking close beside him, while Nina walks behind the group with Felix, watching the rear.

"Hey, umm... I noticed that you are taking the news about your father pretty rough huh," Rose says to Galnorath, attempting to bring up the sore topic.

"Believe me, I know the feeling..." she says looking down, holding back tears.

"I know how it looked, but I was only attempting to avenge my father's death with the deaths of equally dishonourable humans. For my people, when someone close to us falls in battle, it is our duty, out of honour, to avenge their death in whatever way possible. We feel an intense rage, a bloodlust, that won't be sated until that person is avenged." 

"That sounds pretty bad... Not only do you suffer from the loss, but you make others suffer too. I miss her so much but at least I know she is in a better place, so I try to feel happy. It is never easy but we have to stay positive, right?"

"Maybe you are right as well little one, although your way of grief is considered weak among my people. It is normal to feel sad for those we lose, but we cannot afford to feel pain and loss. We have to be strong and survive. A moment of weakness for an orc is death, since we are often hunted and scorned. I will consider your words, however, and maybe try to learn to grieve in a way that is both honourable and not harmful to others."

Rose looks up at him and smiles. "Sounds good to me! Oh and I kinda saved your butt back there, so you're welcome!" They finally see a village up ahead and enter. They observe many small hovels, a larger building that appears to be the local meeting hall and a tavern with an inn. Weary from the day's travels and the fierce battle against the bandits, they enter the tavern and order drink, food and their rooms – in that order! They drink, eat and quietly retire to their rooms for the night, figuring that there will be plenty of time in the morning to find the information they seek.

Slayer of Belial
Slayer of Belial

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Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins Empty Re: Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

Post by Warchief Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:19 am

As always, your feedback is very much appreciated! It will probably take me a bit to read through this and re-edit but I am happy for the editing advice. I will post again once the edits are complete. With so many characters, it is sometimes hard to find the balance between getting the important parts and the story flowing and what all the characters are experiencing. I will keep this in mind for chapter 3 for sure and also see where I might be able to possibly extend some scenes.
Slayer of Duriel
Slayer of Duriel

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Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins Empty Re: Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

Post by Warchief Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:06 pm

I finally finished editing this but did not change everything according to your suggestions. I carefully considered everything and edited most of it but some parts I wrote it the way I did deliberately. If there are any parts you are wondering why I did not change it, I will let you know why.
Slayer of Duriel
Slayer of Duriel

Posts : 13
Join date : 2015-10-15

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Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins Empty Re: Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

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